Access Websites Blocked By Administrators at School, Work, or Anywhere
In some organizations like colleges, schools, The administrator of the organization has blocked some websites include websites about pop culture, health, medicine, women, religion and politics. Social websites are also often blocked and include the likes of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram, Reddit, Digg, Hulu, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Blogger (Blogspot), MySpace, Bebo, Flickr, Yahoo! Messenger, Typepad, Technorati.
There will be genuine reasons for which we might want to visit the website blocked at our School, College or Work. Follow any of these methods to get access to it. First three methods are enough to access almost all blocked website. however, you can try all these methods, if a blocked website still cant be accessed. All of these methods worked well when i tried them at my college (JP College of Engineering.)