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KS File Organizer: Sort your photos and videos by date and Organize them into dated folder

10:07 pm 0 Comments

After long time, I have come here with a new windows application softwares to sort all your media files like photos, videos taken by using smartphones and camera and to organize all of them into seperated folders.
This application will automatically move all the media files from selected folder to different dated folders. so that finding our photos will be very easy.


Keep Your EYES Safe while Using Smartphones, Tablet PC at Night

Keep your eyes safe - Abuthahir Ksm

Are you having trouble falling asleep? Are your kids hyperactive when playing with the tablet before bed time?
Are you using your smart phone or tablet in the late evening? This application will be a solution for you!


Some Facts & Amazing Informations about Computers, Technologies & Internet

6:35 am 0 Comments

Here are some Facts and Amazing informations about the computer and technologies.

  • 80% of all pictures on the internet are of naked women.
  • Only 8% of the world’s currency is physical money, the rest only exists on computers.
  • Bill Gates house was designed using a Macintosh computer.
  • With it’s 1000 million interent users, Facebook would be the third largest country in the World. 


Hide your Folders, Photos, Videos & Everything in Android Phone

Image result for android security folder
Today I’m gonna discuss about the easiest way to hide folders, photos, Videos & other files  in android. You may sometimes need to hide your folders because of your nasty cousin or some other reasons. 
And here you don’t need any third party app to hide this folders.
All stuffs you need here is only a working android phone with default or any file explorer software with it.


The Rise of Artificial Intelligence Smart Personal Assistant

person3Soon each and every one of us will have a PA, even PAs themselves. Artificial Intelligence Assistants are at last making a proper entrance. Most of you will remember Clippit, that annoying Microsoft Office paperclip, and it's quite amazing how far we've come in the space of just a few years. There's a rising number of impressive AI assistants that are beginning to be able to truly help us deal with tasks like managing diaries, booking restaurants or taxis, and even helping us writing our latest blog posts.

Amazing technological break-throughs in speech recognition, semantic web, natural language processing, machine learning and artificial intelligence means that the age of AI based assistance is now upon us.


Tools to Edit PDF Files (Online & Offline)

      PDF, or the Portable Document Format is one of the most popular format for document sharing. Its popularity is mainly because PDF files are multi-platform (can be run on most devices without any change in formatting), smaller in size, can be opened on most devices with free software and are difficult to edit as they are "read only".
Despite PDF files being "read only" by default, there are certain tools and software you can use to change the contents of a PDF file for free without resorting to paid software like Adobe Acrobat.


Let Your Computer Welcome You, When You Start it Each Time

imageHave you watched movies? and have you always loved the way how Computers in movies welcome their users by calling out their names? I bet that you too would want to know how you can achieve similar results on your PC and have a computer said welcome.
Then you are at the right place, this article tells exactly how you can make your computer welcome you like this.
With this tricks , you can make your Computer welcome you in its computerized voice. You can make your Windows based computer say "Welcome to your PC, Username."
Use this trick to Make Windows Computer Greet you with a Custom Voice Message at Startup.


Some Useful Keyboard Shortcuts for All Windows Computers

6:20 pm , 1 Comments

While most of us are already aware of obvious keyboard shortcuts like “Alt+F4” and “Ctrl+C”, there are some obscure shortcuts which most of us tend to overlook. These keyboard shortcuts are not only useful for the average PC user but for advanced users as well. This article contains many such amazing keyboard shortcuts which if used properly could save a lot of time and effort. So let's get started.


Getting Access To Admin Account From Local Users

6:20 pm 0 Comments

        We have seen in previous article about how to reset windows password without using old password.If you haven’t read, I recommend you to read it first. Although this article is similar to previous article, this helps you to gain unauthorized access to admin account of a windows computer where you have a limited access to it from a limited or local account. it may be even guest account.


Convert or Watch ASCII Videos using VLC Media Player

VLC Media Player is very famous media player comes with lot of tricks. While you definitely would be aware about converting videos with it, the feature of converting any video to ASCII is one that is slightly less known. As ASCII version of movies like Star wars are very popular online. This amazing feature of this VLC player will be very fun,
ascii video in vlc player
All you need to do ASCII conversion,just follow the steps given below:-


Access Websites Blocked By Administrators at School, Work, or Anywhere

6:19 pm , 0 Comments

accessing blocked websites -
In some organizations like colleges, schools, The administrator of the organization has blocked some websites include websites about pop culture, health, medicine, women, religion and politics. Social websites are also often blocked and include the likes of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram, Reddit, Digg, Hulu, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Blogger (Blogspot), MySpace, Bebo, Flickr, Yahoo! Messenger, Typepad, Technorati.
There will be genuine reasons for which we might want to visit the website blocked at our School, College or Work. Follow any of these methods to get access to it. First three methods are enough to access almost all blocked website. however, you can try all these methods, if a blocked website still cant be accessed. All of these methods worked well when i tried them at my college (JP College of Engineering.)


Reset Windows Password Even If You Don’t Know Old Password

Hi friends, This is my first post in this new blog. Here I tell you about resetting windows password when we don’t know the current or old password. Normally we use following screen from control panel to change or remove password in windows.
changePasswordBut we should know that windows offers us to change or remove the current password without typing old password. Although it is done in many ways, I here suggest you only two ways which are very simple to do.
Try any of these following ways to reset your windows password.


Download Bulk amount of Images from internet with KS-ID tool.

KS- image downloader is to download all imagesfrom google image search in a single click. Have you ever tried downloading bulk images from internet? Do you need a simple tool that helps you download bulk images at single click? then this tool is exactly for you.


Convert FAT32 to NTFS without Formating Disk or Losing Your Data

2:47 pm , 0 Comments

      You have a flash drive or probably an external hard drive that currently has FAT32 file system and you need to change it to NTFS, because FAT32 does not support handling large files (over 4GB) or it is just simply old for your taste but there is just one problem, you don't want to lose your saved data. then?Command Prompt

This article is explains exactly how you can achieve seamless conversion from FAT to NTFS without involving any data loss or formatting the disk.



Get Quick preview while Designing HTML Webpages with HTML QUick Preview Classic Tool

12:10 pm 0 Comments

             KS-HQP is designed for those who are learning and trying to design html pages. it has in it inbuilt text editor and browser. it displayes quick output preview for the user typed html codes. when we want to check the output without this application we first save the changes and go browser then refresh it to see changes. but this application makes it easy. Just try this application.


Simple Windows Application for Shortest Path Routing Algorithm Simulation

12:06 pm 0 Comments

KS_SPA is a classic tool designed for windows shortest path algorthim visualy shows how a shortest path network algorithm works.
Windows application for shortest path algorithm simulation


Watch Star War Movie Inside Command Prompt Window

10:46 am , 1 Comments

We have watched star war movie on television many times, here it is the same movie with alien fighting each other for galaxy inside command prompt window. 

For playing it, we need Telnet which is turned off by default in the latest versions of Windows. So, in order to watch star wars, you must first enable telnet by going to Control Panel › Programs › Turn Windows Feature On or Off and ticking both the telnet check boxes. After doing that, follow the steps given below.